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Custom Round Bed Quote Request
Please select the options you are interested in to help us send you a more accurate quote.

Customer Contact Information:
First Name:

Last Name:

E-Mail Address:
Please contact me via E-Mail Only
Phone #:
  Home Work Cell
Alt. Phone #:
Home Work Cell

 Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri
*hold the ctrl key to select more than one.

I would like to set up an appointment.

Design Your Own Round Bed!

1) What style round bed are you interested in?

*hold down the ctrl key to select more than one

2) What size platform are you looking for?

*hold down the ctrl key to select more than one

3) What color lights would you like on your platform base?

Pearl White

4) Would you like to include a headboard?

No      Yes

5) Would you like the back of the headboard to be finished?

No      Yes, I would like it to be finished like the front.

6) Headboard Options:

         Mirrored Strip:
No Strip   (2) Vertical (1) Horizontal Both

         Light Strip:

  No Lights (2) Vertical (1) Horizontal Both


         No Shelf     Shelves Built-In


         No Speakers Two(2) Built-In

          Reading Lights:

         No Lights Two(2)

Note: Mirrored Strip, Light Strip, Shelves are not available in combination with each other.

7) What finish are you interested in for your headboard, platform and base?



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Appointments after hours and on weekends available upon request. Please specify time and date in comment box. Appointment confirmation will be sent via e-mail within 24-48 hours. We do not sell or distribute any information provided. We respect your privacy and personal information. Thank you for your interest in (CRANIUM) Furniture, Inc.